2021 The New Year is UPon Us

“Let go of all that holds you down, the next three hundred sixty five days are for you.” – Emily Byrnes

“To everyone… a new year is UPon us. Let’s make it a Great One!”
Although firework displays were cancelled in Melbourne and gatherings are down again to just 15 people indoors…I have still so much to be grateful for.

Happy New Year to all of you my dear friends and family. Sending love and virtual hugs and fireworks from downunder Melbourne to wherever you are ❤️

For the month of January, we are invited to join Becky’s SquareUp Challenge #1 and my word for today is Upon. 


  1. Lookoom says:

    Wishing you a Happy New Year 2021!

    1. Teresa says:

      All the best for the new year too!

  2. A fantastic post to start the new year, Teresa 👏 Happy New Year to you & yours 🎉

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much for the welcoming words, Jez! Yes, positivity to start the year wooooh

  3. What a clever post! Such a shame about your fireworks being cancelled. I live in Sydney, and was lucky enough to be able to see our fireworks (albeit shorter than usual) from the safety of my own crowd-free apartment.

    1. Teresa says:

      Lucky you! But… i am positive, next year we will be having the greatest ever New Year celebration!

      1. oh yes, if everything goes to plan this year, the next NY eve should be a great one!

        1. Teresa says:


  4. bushboy says:

    Happy New Year Teresa 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much…to you too!

  5. BeckyB says:

    oh what a positive and lovely post – and very clever squaring!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Becky… clever or cheating? Haha

      1. BeckyB says:

        Always clever 😀

        1. Teresa says:


  6. margaret21 says:

    That’s clever and way beyond my pay grade!

    1. Teresa says:


  7. Alison says:

    Great photo ..very artistic

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Ali! Just trying hard to fit everything in. Have a great NY and hope your plan to see your son will push through.

      1. Alison says:

        Thanks Teresa ..he’s here now till 10 Jan.. I will just wait for border to open again and visit in Feb next year

        1. Teresa says:

          Oh wow, enjoy these precious time.

  8. eklastic says:

    Fire spiders?
    Fireworks were not allowed here either – it was amazing how many went up in our neighbourhood anyway. :-/ Happy New Year!

    1. Teresa says:

      Have a good year!

  9. Işıl says:

    Happy new year to you and your family.

    1. Teresa says:

      And to you too, Isil!

      1. Işıl says:


  10. lolaWi says:

    Happy New Year, dear Techie! 🙂 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      And to you too Wi! All the best to you and your family this 2021!

  11. restlessjo says:

    So it is! Healthy, happy 2021, Teresa 🙂 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Positive wishes to you Jo and to your family!

  12. Happy New Year to you and your family, Teresa 🎉

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks for the greetings, Miriam. May your New Year be brighter!

  13. V.J. Knutson says:

    All the best to you and yours

    1. Teresa says:

      To you too V.J. Stay healthy and safe always!

  14. Lovely start! Have a blessed year ahead…

    1. Teresa says:

      Starting the new year brighter! Positive wishes to you and your family, Rita!

  15. Happy new year, may your 2021 be filled with light, love and happiness 💫✨

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Hannah for your positive well wishes. May you have a wonderful 2021 too!

      1. Thank you 🙂🙂

  16. Happy New Year!

    1. Teresa says:

      Have a blessed and healthy New Year Patricia!

  17. maristravels says:

    Lovely capture. This was the first New Year’s Eve I spent entirely alone, but it wasn’t as bad as I imagined it would be, in fact I ended up wondering what I’d made all that fuss about in previous years. However, I shall celebrate doubly this year’s end once we are through this pandemic and out the other side.

    1. Teresa says:

      It really just depends on one’s outlook in life. If we think positive, then things will turn out good. Have a great year Maris.

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